A comment on our Biological Reviews paper regarding Trypanosoma transmission by Hippoboscidae flies - Thanks to Milena Svobodová for pointing out this mistake
On page 944 of the paper, we state that
Ornithomyia avicularia is a competent vector for
Trypanosoma avium, citing Baker (1956, 1957). However, trypanosomes transmitted by
avicularia are now designated as
corvi (see Baker (1976): Biology of the trypanosomes of birds, in The biology of the Kinetoplastida; see also Votýpka et al. 2004,
avium is probably a nomen nudum, but is widely used in recent literature for avian trypanosomes tramitted by blackfles (Simullidae).
Milena Svobodová web page: http://web.natur.cuni.cz/parasitology/milenaweb/milena-1.htm
We apologize for the mistake and we hope this comment serves its purpose informing the audience interested in Diptera vectors transmitting blood parasites.
If you have more interests on avian Trypanosomes you can start here: Zídková, L., Cepicka, I., Szabová, J., and Svobodová, M. 2012. Biodiversity of Avian Trypanosomes. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 12: 102-112.